
The Art of Meaningful Coincidences and Harmonious Connections

Transformational Event Experiences

Our group events are inclusive and decentralise the individual, in favor of what the collective need

Face to face

Celebrating what it is to be in the same room if we can

International Online Events

Realistic numbers to leave room for more connection with people from around the world


Online and face to face


72 Hours at our Flagship Luxe Shipping Container House

Special Events

Large Scale Events

Where isolation and disconnection go to die

A multi-modality force of nature

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It is either time to return home to your trueself, or continue the journey to low-self worth, or something inbetween. Only you know if you are open to synchronizing your past, present and vision and — go home.


This is not a program, a method or a blueprint.

C A S A is a way of living in the space between now and dying. 

a sense of relief

a sense of relief

a sense of relief

72 Hours


72 Hours is 


Online and Face to Face
A private event designed in collaboration with a director of transformation. You will receive details on how to prepare your event space, when you will be receiving your online session. The private event online series are two hours including preparation time, collaboration time and co-creation time.

Small Group

Online and Face to Face
Online small group events for constellations have a maximum group of seven and the CASA series has 12 people per group. Limited places means individual attention and the space required to unfold.

72 Hours

The face to face event with Melissa Grace takes place at Dancing Zen, A purpose built micro-retreat in Adelaide, South Australia. In 2024, Melissa will be in Lisbon, Portugal, London UK, Rome, Venice, Sicily, Reggio Calabria & Milan between August 15 and November 13.

Special Events

Special events are larger scale events open to the public and are a gathering of people sharing a common interest. In this case Melissa is working with partners who have a keen interest in creating a container for the greatest good.

Meet Melissa Grace

When we don’t have enough time it’s called poor time management. 

When we honor the time we have it’s called Synchronicity

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