Revealing hidden dynamics, hidden loyalties and hidden treasure.


We find the thread in your family system that is causing you pain and untangle it.

The feelings of abandonment, low self worth and like you don’t belong show up at the times when you least expect it. Even though you feel like you have done ‘enough work.’  The way you feel is more about how your great-great grandparents showed love to your grandparents and parents.

The feeling of belonging is possible for everyone, you just might need to look further than your backyard. 


Family Constellations was born in 1978 by Bert Hellinger a German psychotherapist. His patriarchal views have been in question. The value of the practice controversial and — existing research suggests positive mental health outcomes and enhanced family dynamics.

The Constellation Generation

A constellation is a cluster of people or things appering in a pattern.

Observing and experiencing how patterns are passed down from our parents, their parents and so on and how to attune that so your body isn’t constantly on high alert is the ability to synchronize the body. It is an invitation to feel all of the feelings at the same time — the good, the bad and the ugly. The messages the body receives are more in line with how you feel in today’s story, not your parents story. A constellation practice gently releases the information that is held in the cellular structures of the body. The present day pain and or suffering becomes more manageable. 



Constellating, Coaching & Choreographing have one thing in common, they listen for what the body has to say.
melissa grace


1978 - 1999

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Family Constellations

Family Constellations is the landmark edition, originating from Hellinger. A solution focussed-experiencial process that uses body sensing to tap into family, social and global issues which have impacted the family system. During this time Systemic Constellations a variation which looks at wider systems became popularized. This style is excellent for beginners who are finding their voice.


2000 - 2006

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Movements of the Soul

Movements of the Soul is an expansion of our body's wisdom. In simple terms; the gut feeling extending the inquiry beyond what the brain says. As a result, our soul (aka our body wisdom) begins to light up. The soul widens and we start to look beyond the family system into the generation who have come before us. A movement of greater openness and comprehensiveness. This style is suited to you, if you open to knowing more about your body's voice.


2006 ...

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The New Family Constellations

Bert died in 2019, but his legacy continues through Spiritual Family Constellations aka The New Family Constellation. It the extension and expansion of the Movements of the Soul where there is evidence of a paradigm shift. The family or system is has a new rhythm. This style is suited to you, if you feel connected to yourself and can feel into your senses.


Fantastically Aligned Queries

An approach to revealing what has happened in your past and your families past that is being passed down. It’s another way to understand why you feel heavy and pained about situations when sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Through short exploration interview the facilitator will support you in identifying what you want to explore.

A representative is a person that stands in for the people, places or things that are causing your pain. The representative has the privilege of exploring this with you, through words and actions, and body sensations. 

If you don’t believe in anything unless it is black or white and the thought processes are ridgid and there is no room for rainbows or the ability to see outside of the way the brain thinks, then it would sound woo woo. If you have even an inkling that there is truth to the your pain being passed down through your parents, maybe it is not as woo woo as you once thought.

There is quite a bit of research out there, some of it flimsy and some of it solid. If you are a nerdy geek and like a good research publication read this work by Psychologist Wilfried Nelles. Dr Karl-Heinz Rauscher has wonderful insight. Also check out our favourite research publications about family constellations is being used to support people experiencing PTSD. 

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That depends on your expectations. If you would like to solve all of your problems but have been avoiding psychologists and distracting with addiction, then no, it probably won’t work. If you are consistently paying attention to how you are reacting and what you have to do to change what is in you. Then you will absolutely feel the difference. There is a disclaimer: If you are lying to yourself, have blind spots you don’t want to see and in someway are in denial, delusion, bypassing and blaming, you will get a lot of benefit of this work. It might be uncomfortable, but by the end of it, you will be glad you decided to be more honest with yourself.

The place beyond insight by way of the brain or body. It is beyond a body sensing. It is beyond intuition or wisdom. Only those who have been there know it doesn’t need words to describe it, so giving it words does not do it justice. Here is what Bert Hellinger has to say about the spirit mind.

If you are open to personal development, growth or transformation. It is good for you. If you are open to the feeling of relief, being heard and understood, it is good for you. If you are still unsure, that’s ok. Timing is everything and you will know when it is right for you to be in the room. 

That’s ok. You don’t need to know anything, you just have to be open to what comes up.

Absolutely not. Just come in and soak up the people who will hold space for you. We all had to start somewhere. 

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